Arkansas GrownArkansas Farm to SchoolAgritourism

Category: Arkansas Farm to School History

Jun 25
Arkansas COVID-19 Food Access Map

The Arkansas Farm to School Collaborative and other state agency and nonprofit partners collaborated to create the Arkansas COVID-19 Food Access Map. The food access map provides a comprehensive list of 1,400 data points detailing information on farms, local businesses, restaurants, and pantries. The map also shows which schools and organizations are offering free meals […]

Jun 25
Arkansas Farm to School Celebration

In 2019, the Arkansas Farm to School Collaborative and the Arkansas Department of Agriculture hosted the Arkansas Farm to School Celebration at the Capitol. Partners, teachers, legislators, and students attended the event.  

Jun 25
Act 1074: Healthy Active Arkansas Schools Act

This bill established that the school wellness policies may include language promoting school gardens. It also described that the Arkansas Department of Agriculture may provide a local incentive program at public school districts and open-enrollment public charter schools in an amount not to exceed ten cents ($.10) for each school meal that uses local farm […]

Jun 25
Fayetteville School District

In 2005, Fayetteville School District became the first school district to develop a farm to school program and began procuring local products to serve to its students.

Jun 15
Core Partner

In 2020, the Arkansas Department of Agriculture moved into the role of Core Partner for NFSN and ACRI shifted from Core Partner to Supporting Partner. The other Supporting Partners remained the same and the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service (UADA) hired a Local Food Specialist who spends half their time […]

Jun 15
Farm to School Leaders Travel to D.C.

In 2019, farm to school leaders from Arkansas travelled to Washington D.C. to speak with U.S. Senator John Boozman and U.S. Senator Tom Cotton. Ally Mrachek with Fayetteville School District and Maegan Brown with Conway Public Schools visited Senator Cotton to share about their child nutrition farm to school efforts. Second, Destiny Schlinker with FoodCorps […]

Jun 15
Act 506: Farm to School and Early Childhood Education

Through the passage of Act 506 in 2019, the Arkansas legislature established a Farm to School and Early Childhood Education Program and a position for a full-time Farm to School and Early Childhood Education Program Coordinator within the Arkansas Department of Agriculture.

Jun 15
Act 796: Amended Local Food, Farms, and Jobs Act

Legislation enacted by the Arkansas General Assembly in 2017 and 2019 solidified the momentum of farm to school in Arkansas. The passage of the Local Food, Farms, and Jobs Act (Local Food Act) in 2017 created a local food preference by requiring state agencies that received at least $25,000 in state funding for the purchase […]

Jun 15
Arkansas Farm to School Collaborative

In 2017, a group of state agencies and statewide nonprofits formed the Arkansas Farm to School Collaborative (Collaborative). The Collaborative has expanded to include representatives from 12 state agencies and nonprofits. In addition, NFSN recognized the following as farm to school Supporting Partners: Arkansas Department of Agriculture, Arkansas Department of Education – Child Nutrition Unit, […]

Jun 15
Arkansas Farm to School Month Proclamations

In 2014, then-Governor Mike Beebe proclaimed October as Arkansas Farm to School Month. Governor Asa Hutchinson continued the practice in 2015 and each year since.

Take your school's farm to school initiative to the next level!

January 13 – February 28

Applications are open now – don’t miss this opportunity to grow your school’s impact!

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